In the heart of a dark, twisted forest, where the trees loom like grotesque sentinels, a Mad Prophet wanders. Their ragged cloak is adorned with skulls and talismans, and their eyes are wild, reflecting the neon green glow of toxic fungi scattered across the forest floor. The air is thick with fog, through which ghostly shapes and distorted faces can be faintly seen. Shadows twist and writhe, creating a nightmarish backdrop. The Prophet's path is illuminated by a flickering lantern that casts eerie, elongated shadows, making the entire scene feel like a surreal, disturbing dream. , the scene is captured in dimly lit dark fantasy but vibrant colors, with bold ink lines defining form against the watercolor wash of the aged paper
BadDream, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, monochrome, grayscale, (navel, lace), text, signature, watermark
DPM++ 2M Karras
NightVisionXL v0.8.1.1
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