Trying to make begging images with Flux is a pain. The beggars board with the influx of reactions is a significant source of buzz, but to make a good image you'll need many attempts. Schnell is especially bad at generating anything good when you have an actual vision of what you want. It can be difficult to recoup the invested buzz with Flux when striving for quality. This makes life on the free tier depressing. The beggar board quickly becomes a buzz sink instead. A significant amount of daily buzz is spent to beg for more, to what end? What's the value of a gallery where a large portion of the images are buzz begs? Sometimes the ideas don't pan out at all. Sometimes the "buzz" lightning bolt icon ends up too insignificant and the moderators won't accept it at all. I've had such an image sitting at the approval queue, while another image I generated later with "BUZZ" written in large letters was accepted and expired from the board already. So, this time, I'll let fate guide my hand. I'll go cheap. I'll include the text "BUZZ" multiple times hoping it will appear in the image. If I'm lucky, the image will have animals in some funny manner, gathering lots of reactions. This is the way to profit on the free tier. Lowest cost, highest profits. Perhaps I'll have a chance to spend my buzz on some actual art today and not just begging. One can dream. Surely with a rant like this, my "BUZZ" beg will turn into a true masterpiece! Here goes nothing, I mean, here goes 20 buzz...
FLUX Schnell
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