

professional,highly detailed


worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art:1.4
watermark, signature, text font, username, error, logo, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name:1.2
blur, blurry, grainy, morbid, ugly, asymmetrical, mutated malformed, mutilated, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, censored, jpeg artifacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate
airbrushed, cartoon, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, blender, digital art, manga, amateur:1.3
3D ,3D Game, 3D Game Scene, 3D Character:1.1
bad hands, bad anatomy, bad body, bad face, bad teeth, bad arms, bad legs, deformities:1.3
drawing,painting,noisy,blurry,deformed,ugly,low contrast


サンプラー Euler a, Restart
ステップ数 30-80
cfg 3.5
CLIP スキップ 2-3
解像度 768×1024, 952×1269, 896×1344


高解像度に拡大 4x-UltraSharp
高解像度比率 1.5
高解像度ノイズ除去強度 0.25-0.39


すべてのスポンサーはDiffusの関連会社ではありません。Diffusは、オンラインでのStable Diffusion WebUI体験の代替手段を提供しています。



今回皆さんにお届けするのは容華の4.5バージョンです。4.5バージョンでは https://github.com/jiayev/GPT4V-Image-Captioner のツールを使用してGPT4+WD14+の手動打標を行っています。このモデルは容華4プレビュー1(初期の内部ファインチューニングバージョン)を基にさらなるトレーニングが行われ、約30日間RTX 6000 Adaを使用してトレーニングされました。


这次为大家带来的是容华的4.5版本,4.5版本采用 https://github.com/jiayev/GPT4V-Image-Captioner 工具进行GPT4+WD14+人工打标,模型在容华4 preview1(一个早期的内部训练版本)的基础上继续训练,使用RTX 6000 ada训练了大约30天。

推奨CFG: 3.5

Recommend CFG: 3.5


Recommend Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art:1.4), (watermark, signature, text font, username, error, logo, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name:1.2), (blur, blurry, grainy), morbid, ugly, asymmetrical, mutated malformed, mutilated, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, censored, jpeg artifacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate, (airbrushed, cartoon, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, blender, digital art, manga, amateur:1.3), (3D ,3D Game, 3D Game Scene, 3D Character:1.1), (bad hands, bad anatomy, bad body, bad face, bad teeth, bad arms, bad legs, deformities:1.3)


Below are some revised and newly added ancient style concepts (limited by personal ability, not all concepts are guaranteed to be accurately caption):

### Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments

– Dizi (笛) – A traditional Chinese flute.

– Xiao (箫) – A Chinese vertical end-blown flute.

– Pipa (琵琶) – A four-stringed Chinese musical instrument, which comes in various forms like:

– Gudai Pipa (古代琵琶) – Ancient pipa.

– Earth Pipa (土琵琶) – A smaller version of pipa.

– Bent-neck Pipa (曲项琵琶) – Pipa with a curved neck.

– Guqin (古琴) – A plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family.

### Chinese Architectural and Landscape Elements

– Stone Arch Bridge (石拱桥) – A type of bridge featuring a curved arch structure.

– Scholar’s Rocks (文人石) – Naturally occurring or shaped rocks which are traditionally appreciated by Chinese scholars.

– Bamboo Raft (竹筏) – A raft made out of bamboo.

### Chinese Clothing and Accessories

– Veiled Hat (帷帽) – A traditional Chinese hat with a veil.

– Fengguan (凤冠) – A type of Chinese phoenix crown worn by noble women.

– Jade Bracelet (玉手镯) – A bracelet made from jade, often worn for both decoration and symbolic protection.

– Zan (簪) – Ornamental hairpins used in traditional Chinese hairstyles.

– Embroidery Shoes (绣花鞋) – Traditional Chinese shoes decorated with embroidery.

### Traditional Chinese Games and Leisure Items

– Weiqi (围棋) – Known in the West as Go, a strategy board game.

– Wooden Swing (木制秋千) – A swing made of wood.

– Rattan Ball (藤球) – A ball made from rattan, used in traditional games.

### Traditional Chinese Writing and Art Tools

– Scroll (卷轴) – A roll of parchment or silk used for painting and writing.

– Bamboo Scroll (竹卷轴) – A scroll made from bamboo.

– Bamboo Book (竹书) – An ancient Chinese book made from bamboo.

– Xuan Paper (宣纸) – A kind of paper originating from Xuanzhou city, used for calligraphy and painting.

– Silk Curtains with Calligraphy (书法丝帘) – Silk curtains adorned with calligraphic art.

### Traditional Chinese Household Items

– Traditional Fan (传统扇子) – Comes in various forms like:

– Round Fan (团扇)

– Folding Fan (折扇)

– Embroidered Fan (绣扇)

– Paper Umbrella (纸伞) – A type of umbrella made from paper.

– Pottery Jug (陶壶) – A jug made from pottery.

– Ceramic Wine Vessels (陶瓷酒器) – Vessels used for serving and drinking wine.

– Embroidery Hoop (绣花箍) – A tool used to hold fabric taut while embroidering.

– Incense Burner (香炉) – A container for burning incense.

### その他

– Imperial Memorial (奏折) – A formal report or statement written to the emperor.


Additionally, below are some high-frequency tags:

文化服饰 – Cultural attire, hanfu, gufeng, cultural attire, cultural costume, historical costume, hanfu clothing, embroidered silk robe, embroidered garments, ruqun, tang dynasty style, embroidered robe, ancient chinese attire, traditional makeup, traditional chinese hairpin, phoenix crown, traditional hanfu attire, phoenix coronet, chinese traditional clothing, jewelry, embroidered garment

场景设置 – Scene setting, Indoor setting, outdoor setting, bedroom setting, ancient Chinese architecture

拍摄和视觉效果 – Filming and visual effects, Soft lighting, vibrant colors, natural light, warm color palette, pastel colors, high-quality, soft focus background, blurred background, bokeh effect, clear image quality, warm lighting, cinematic composition, ambient lighting, sharp focus, depth of field, shallow depth of field, dramatic lighting

人物特征和表情 – Character features and expressions, Serene expression, youthful appearance, Asian ethnicity, black hair, side profile, makeup, eye contact, long hair, playful expression, looking at camera, young adult, contemplative, poised posture, elegant posture, seated pose

幻想和角色扮演 – Fantasy and role-playing, Fantasy, character portrayal, animal ears, fantasy theme, anime-inspired, cosplay photography, costume play, cat ears, tail

历史和电影 – History and movies, Historical drama, xianxia, wuxia, period film, film still


cleavage, sexy, suggestive pose, thighhighs, high heels, seductive expression, sensual, large breasts, nipples, panties, sheer fabric, see-through, fishnet stockings, boudoir photography, nude


ブザーティップスサポートに感謝します! (無順位、~2023/10/23まで): 9812chenditemin561、aibernardbittler714、Anbachi2021、chirenshuomeng、Dklove、dkorbat、firisu、jeffca2525105、jiutaogong、mmcCaterpillar、mr7th、nakaaachin、Radeux、rogerwang、Sini5555、spacemonkeyx01473、TracQuoc、wordsmaster、xibik10354751、yama4343、yi_yu、yuleirem123286、zhixuan08299144​

***RongHua 1.0 及び1.1はNSFWコンテンツを含んでいませんが、次のバージョンで含まれるかもしれません…***


現在、【容華】は他のモデルと統合されておらず、モデルはSDXL Base 1.0を基にしており、150時間以上トレーニングされています。すべての素材はインターネットから取得されたものです。容華にはまだ多くの問題があり、皆さんに使用していただき、提案をお願いいたします。

大規模モデルのftを初めて行ったので、試行錯誤を繰り返し、容華の誕生はグループフレンドの意見とサポートのおかげであり、特に Neo_cute さんに感謝しています。彼が私に方向性と自信を与えてくれたとともに、 Redpriest9527、aistha、tonyhs、MengX、Faispirit、LYuyang、Maper_leaf、Kelly_V、kwResearch など多くの素晴らしい作品によって、容華のアートレベルが向上しました。

また、楽園を作った 麦橘 さんと、それに参加している全ての兄弟姉妹、弟妹の皆さんにも感謝しています。毎日私を幸せで充実させてくれます。


大規模のftを初めて試み、試行錯誤を重ねる中で、容华の誕生がグループ内のサポートと意見のおかげであり、特に Neo_cute さんが私に方向性と自信を与えてくれたことにお礼申し上げます。そして、Redpriest9527、aistha、tonyhs、 MengX、Faispirit、LYuyang、Maper_leaf、Kelly_V、kwResearch など、数多くの大物たちの作品によって、容華の芸術レベルを向上させていただきました。

また、楽園の創設者である麦橘 大佬とすべての兄弟姉妹たちも毎日私を幸福で充実させてくれています。


Picture of 美纪子 沢岡

美纪子 沢岡

私はDiffusのギャラリーエディターです。最近Stable Diffusionを使い始め、学んだことをコミュニティと共有したいと思っています。趣味で漫画を愛読しており、Instagramでも活発に活動しています。

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同じコレクションのモデル - SDXL RongHua

An AI generated image using Stable Diffusion depicting an elegant woman in traditional Chinese attire sitting by a serene mountain landscape.

SDXL RongHua - v30





SDXL 1.0









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同じモデルによる画像 - SDXL RongHua

Whimsical Painting of Woman in Hanfu Attire
Whimsical Painting of Hanfu Attire
Double Exposure Chinese Art Portrait
Beautiful Girl in Red Hanfu, Winter Scene
Hyperrealistic Swordsman vs. Fire Dragon Art
Xia Commands Sword Tornado in Chinese Ink
Hanfu Girl on Misty Mountaintop
Beautiful Girl in Red Hanfu Amidst Snow
Cinematic Photo of Martial Arts in Gold
Double Exposure Style Chinese Art Portrait
Underwater Fantasy with Celestial Woman
Cinematic Photo of Girl in Misty Forest
Fantasy Concept Art of Ethereal Masterpiece
Cinematic Photo of White Fox Girl in Misty Forest
Chinese Maiden in Vibrant Rim Light
Beautiful Girl in Red Hanfu in Snow
Beautiful Girl in Red Hanfu in Snow
Wuxia Swordsman in Chinese Ink Style
Cinematic Photo of Woman with Red Moon
Beautiful Girl in Red Hanfu in Snow