Age Slider – v20

Related Keywords & Tags

Recommended Prompts

positive for older
looking at viewer

Recommended Negative Prompts

negative for younger

Recommended Parameters

samplers DPM++ 2M SDE Karras, DDIM
steps 20
cfg 7
resolution 512×768, 512×512


  • Use weights between -1 to +4 for optimal results.
  • Negative prompts can fix the tendency to generate NSFW images as the character gets older.
  • The model works best with ObjectiveReality.

Version Highlights

V2.0 Update

Creator Sponsors

All sponsors are not affiliates of Diffus. Diffus provides an alternative online Stable Diffusion WebUI experience.

Trained and Works best on ObjectiveReality(the most flexible general purpose reality model I’ve tried so far) effects may vary on other models.


  • Significantly Lower contrasts compared to the last version.

  • Larger age gap.

  • I will put only images of adults for the showcase, and STRONGLY condemn the behavior of using this tool in generating NSFW images of minors.

  1. Working range: -5 to +5, or higher depending on your prompting style. But generally recommend -1 to +4, as additional applied weight would slightly change the images. I do not take any responsibility if you choose to go below -1.

  2. negative for younger

  3. positive for older

  4. The model tend to create NSFW images as the character getting older, but that is fixable with negative prompts. I do not plan to adjust it, as you most likely won’t mind and it is not hard to fix with negative prompt.

Perhaps you can buy me a beer if you enjoy the models and want to help me keep the motivation on what I do😺

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Age Slider - v20

Model details

Model TypeLORA
Base ModelSD 1.5
Model Hash90ed0d9b22
Model Versionv20
Trained Words
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