Modern bedroom with minimalist decor and contemporary art painting, AI generated using Stable Diffusion.

Modern Bedroom Design with Minimalist Decor

Image Description

A modern bedroom featuring minimalist decor. The room includes a sleek, low-profile bed with gray bedding and white frame. Above the bed hangs a large contemporary art painting with dynamic brush strokes in blue, white, yellow, and black. The walls are smooth with subtle paneling, and there’s a blend of natural and artificial lighting. The space is accentuated with simple furniture and a sophisticated color palette. The ceiling has a contemporary design with horizontal slats.


Please note that the image provided has been generated by AI using a model uploaded by the user. Diffus offers the cloud-based platform that facilitates the generation process; however, we do not claim ownership of the model nor do we hold the licensing rights to it. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this image and the related model complies with the applicable licensing agreements.

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Generation Parameters

masterpiece,on Alpha base,<lora:S1999unf:0.9>
Negative Prompt
bad quality,worst quality, people,girl,man,woman,human
SamplerDPM++ 2M Karras
CFG scale7

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