A close-up portrait of a woman with glamorous makeup and a stylish undercut, AI generated image using Stable Diffusion.

Glamorous Woman Close-Up Portrait

Image Description

A close-up portrait of a glamorous woman with flawless makeup, featuring soft pink lipstick and perfectly applied eyeliner. Her expression is calm and serene. She has long, smooth hair that is styled with an undercut on one side, giving her a fashionable and bold look. She is wearing simple, elegant earrings and a black strap top, with a blurred background.


Please note that the image provided has been generated by AI using a model uploaded by the user. Diffus offers the cloud-based platform that facilitates the generation process; however, we do not claim ownership of the model nor do we hold the licensing rights to it. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this image and the related model complies with the applicable licensing agreements.

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Generation Parameters

(closeup:1) photo of (CR-KateB3ckinsale-JernauGurgeh:0.95) as a (young:1.0) woman, (oiled shiny skin:1.0), slick undercut hairstyle, (tilted angle shot:1.1),
(8k uhd:1.0), (best quality:1.0), (masterpiece:1.0), (sharp focus:1.0), grey background,
Negative Prompt
Neg-rMadaNegative4_v2, monochrome, grayscale, earring, neckless, nsfw,
SamplerDPM++ 2M Karras
CFG scale6

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