A cute blue dragon standing in a detailed fantasy landscape with colorful mushrooms, rocky mountains in the background, a flowing river, and an orange sky. AI generated image using Stable Diffusion.

Cute Blue Dragon in Fantasy Landscape

Image Description

A charming blue dragon with large, expressive eyes and intricate scale designs stands in the middle of an enchanting fantasy landscape. Surrounding the dragon are vibrant mushrooms in various colors, a flowing blue river, and a dramatic rocky mountain range. An orange sunset sky with fluffy clouds frames the background, creating a whimsical and magical atmosphere.


Please note that the image provided has been generated by AI using a model uploaded by the user. Diffus offers the cloud-based platform that facilitates the generation process; however, we do not claim ownership of the model nor do we hold the licensing rights to it. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this image and the related model complies with the applicable licensing agreements.

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Generation Parameters

Magical Mathematics two parts in one art, double exposure, cute little detailed shocked perfect dragon trying to understand what all these weird scary words mean : Hyperbola, Parabola, Pi, Euler's Number, Complex Numbers, Tessellations, Orthogonal Projection, Riemann Surface, Golden Ratio, best quality, dark tales, Craola, Dan Mumford, Andy Kehoe, Miyazaki 2d, flat, cute, adorable, vintage, art on a cracked paper, fairytale, patchwork, stained glass, storybook detailed illustration, cinematic, ultra highly detailed, tiny details, beautiful details, mystical, luminism, vibrant colors, complex background
Negative Prompt
CFG scale4.5

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