Black and white portrait of a blonde woman with long hair, in a black dress, standing on the beach. AI generated image using stable diffusion.

Black and white portrait of blonde woman

Image Description

Black and white close-up portrait of a young blonde woman with long, flowing hair, gazing into the camera with an intense expression. She is wearing a black dress with thin straps, and is positioned slightly to the side, showing her shoulder. The beach in the background hints at a serene atmosphere, with soft lighting enhancing the contrast and textures in the image.


Please note that the image provided has been generated by AI using a model uploaded by the user. Diffus offers the cloud-based platform that facilitates the generation process; however, we do not claim ownership of the model nor do we hold the licensing rights to it. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this image and the related model complies with the applicable licensing agreements.

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Generation Parameters

a upper body black and white (right profile) portrait of a woman with long hair and a very big round face, (looking over her sholder:1.4), bright expressive eyes, paolo roversi, blond hair, beautiful catgirl, dark and intricate photograph, directed gaze, woman on the beach, cherub, perfect female, woman, banshee, (low contrast:1.4) flash-photography, (flim grain:1.6)
Negative Prompt
(open mouth:1.4), (high contrast), happy, outdoors, jewellery nude, saul goodman in the simpsons, cell shading. ( rb 6 s, pokemon trainer outfit, soldier 7 6 from overwatch, isometric game asset, pixel stretching, fullbody!! dynamic action pose, payday 2, 3 point perspective, flat color, digital art #oneshotgame, winston from overwatch, octane ue 5, blippi, tf 2, child
SamplerDPM++ 2M Karras
CFG scale5

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Pensive woman with short wavy hair and knitted sweater, captured in natural light. This is an AI generated image using stable diffusion.
RealVisXL V4.0 - V2.0 (BakedVAE)

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