Beautiful Realistic Asians – v7

Related Keywords & Tags

Recommended Negative Prompts

(worst_quality:2.0) (majicnegative_v2:0.8) badneganatomyv1-neg bradhands cartoon,cgi,render,illustration,painting,drawing

Recommended Parameters

samplers DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
steps 20
cfg 5
vae vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors
resolution 512×768

Recommended Hires (High-Resolution) Parameters

upscaler 8x_NMKD-Superscale_150000_G
upscale 2
steps 10
denoising strength 0.35-0.46

Version Highlights

Sorry for the long delay. Heres the latest version.
Trained with cinematic images, Use Cinematic and Aesthetic as prompts

Creator Sponsors

All sponsors are not affiliates of Diffus. Diffus provides an alternative online Stable Diffusion WebUI experience.


Mage provides unlimited generations for my model with amazing features. They also share their revenue per content generation with me! Go check it out here:

Im currently preparing and collecting dataset for SDXL, Its gonna be huge and a monumental task. I wanna thank everyone for supporting me so far, and for those that support the creation of SDXL BRA model. Thank you thank you thank you

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Beautiful Realistic Asians - v7

Model details

Model TypeCheckpoint
Base ModelSD 1.5
Model Hash1A17BCD93D
Model Versionv7
Trained Words
pleasebankai's Avatar

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Kate Thompson

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